
Chlaß, N., Gangadharan, L., Jones, K. (2023), Charitable Giving and Intermediation: A Principal-Agent Problem with Hidden Prices, Oxford Economic Papers, 75 (4), pp. 941-961. [Paper]

Chlaß, N., Güth, W., Miettinen, T. (2019), Purely Procedural Preferences - Beyond Procedural Equity and Reciprocity, European Journal of Political Economy, 59, pp. 108-128. [Paper] [Appendix: Moral Judgement and Demographics]

Moneta, A., Chlaß, N., Entner, D., Hoyer, P. (2011), Causal Search in Structural Vector Autoregressive Models, Journal of Machine Learning Research: Workshops and Conference Proceedings, 12, pp. 95-118. [Paper]

Chlaß, N., Moneta, A. (2010), Can Graphical Causal Inference Be Extended to Nonlinear Settings?, in: M. Suárez et al. (Eds.), European Philosophy of Science Association: Epistemology and Methodology of Science, Springer, pp. 63-72. [Paper]

Working Papers

Chlaß, N., Moffatt, P. (2017), Giving in Dictator Games -- Experimenter Demand Effect or Preference over the Rules of the Game?, University of East Anglia CBESS Discussion Paper #17-05. [Paper] [Appendix: Moral Judgement and Demographics]

Chlaß, N., Riener, G. (2015), Lying, Spying, Sabotaging - Procedures and Consequences, University of Mannheim Working Paper #ECON 15-17, DICE Working Paper #196/2015 and Jena Economic Research Paper #2015-016. [Current Version]

Chlaß, N. (2011), On Individual Cursedness - How Personality Shapes Individuals' Sensitivity to Incur a Winner's Curse, Jena Economic Research Papers #2011-027.

Chlaß, N. (2011), The Winner's Curse under Behavioral Institutions, Jena Economic Research Papers #2011-011.

Chlaß, N. (2010), The Impact of Procedural Asymmetry in Games of Imperfect Information, Papers of the German Economic Association Annual Meeting 2010.

Chlaß, N., Güth, W. (2007), Competition on Common Value Markets with Naive Traders. A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis, Jena Economic Research Papers #2007-105.

Chlaß, N., Krüger, J. J. (2007), Small Sample Properties of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with Discontinuous and Dependent Observations, Jena Economic Research Papers #2007-032.